In order to sell a freehold title which is subject to long leases of residential flats, you must first offer the leaseholders the right of first refusal, unless the transaction falls within one of the statutory exemptions – of which there are many.
We can advise you on your options, and how best to proceed. The law and procedures in this area are quite complex and you should have an experienced solicitor to guide you and prepare the necessary documentation in order to ensure you take all the necessary steps to achieve your goal of selling the freehold for the best price. Failure to comply with the law in this area may be a criminal offence.
If you have been served with a formal section 42 notice requiring you to sell the freehold by the leaseholders, we can help you ensure that you obtain the best price and terms possible for the sale.
You may have adjoining property which you need to protect, and you may have development value that you need to realise.